Friday, February 1, 2013

Ellie: Help me...please (iOS) Review

("Ellie - Help me out...please?" is owned by Ateam inc.)

Ok, so here's how I found this app: I went to the App Store, typed in "mystery" (feeling a craving for clue-hunting), scrolled down a bit, and found a free little app called Ellie - Help me out....please?. Tapping on it, I quickly found that it was a horror game. So that and other things quickly came to mind, which I have decided to put in a list format. Aren't I nice?

The only other Ellie I have heard of is the Ellie in the upcoming game The Last of Us (which I am very hyped to see, even though I don't have a PS3). So that got me tapping on the app.

The discription said that it had multiple endings, which I love (even though it drives me insane when I'm trying to find all the endings).

It was apparently a point-and-click (or tap in this case) escape the room type game. And even though I almost always use a walkthrough on these types of games, I do indeed enjoy one from time to time.

It's a horror game. And I scare easily. Oh, the nights after I researched Slenderman and every pokemon creepypasta I could find...

Um....that's really about it....

Oh, and I just found out today that when an app says "iPhone 3G or newer required", the iPod touch 2G counts. Sweet!

So yeah, I was hooked, and I downloaded the game.
At night.
Apparently the same people who made this game made another game called Murder Room, which I have yet to play. For the same reason I was hesitant to play this game. I just wanted to say that real quickly.
So, I looked at the home screen, which was already pretty creepy (a lot of blood, and as we all know, blood is scary. least for me). There's a small options page, where you can change the text from English to Japanese, and vice versa, as well as turn off the voice that Ellie has (I had my sound off the entire time, because the music was kind of unnerving as well, so that doesn't really matter). There's also a wallpapers page, where you can unlock wallpapers depending on what ending you get (good ending and bad ending, plus the other too endings on the add-on to the game)
I went through the opening, which is made up by a bunch of pictures, and found out the story: You ducked in a run-down abandoned building when your car broke down because of an earthquake...Ok, the story already is a little weird, since you went into a building that might collapse because of the earthquake, you freaking moron. You go in a bit more and find a TV screen, where a...young-ish, possible teenage, maybe in her 20s girl? Sorry, I can never tell with the game's Japanese art, which isn't that bad, BTW. Nothing like Juniper's Knot (I'm going to have to review that sooner or later too), but OK.
You meet Ellie (I forget her last name) and she pleads with you to help her, since she's been kidnapped and held for ransom. Her kidnapper was knocked out by some rubble during the earthquake, and you need to hurry before he wakes up.
Now, about this time I thought, "Y'know what? Why the heck am I playing this at night? Screw it, I'm waiting until morning." And so I did. Unfortunately, I had some errands to do and didn't get the chance to play too much of it until that night.
I know. *facepalm*
Now, like an idiot I was too sucked in by what little I played to wait until the NEXT morning, so I started playing. And....
Yeah, I was bad at it. I looked up a walkthrough a bunch of times. I actually used a walkthrough for the entire game. So sue me. I was still having fun, and some of the puzzles have a random answer, though it has the same formula.
So I played it for about half an hour to an hour (it's quite short, but trust me, it has some lasting impact.), and...yeah, I was flipping freaked out. I won't tell you why, but you'll find out.
...the eyes...why would you draw them?
Anyway, I spent the night with earbuds in my ear, listening to youtube videos.
The weird thing is, this game doesn't really have a whole lot to scare you. I mean, if you think about it, there's very little blood in the actual game, there's not any zombies or vampires...
But DANG, those eyes. Add in a flash of thunder and BOOM, instant sleepless night.
So, how's the game itself?
Well, if you're the kind of person who likes a quick scare, this game is certainly for you. It's not a huge scare (for normal people, AKA, not me), but it's pretty flipping freaky. For all you point-and-click type people, consider trying this game out. The puzzles are pretty clever, the small story is pretty good (there's not much story, but you'll see what I mean). But if you scare easily, stay far away. If you still want to see the story, try to find a walkthrough without pictures.
Oh, and for those of you wondering about the second room, I haven't tried it out yet. I'm still recovering. I played the game literally last night. I'm probably going to play it sooner or later, but probably not for a good week. Oh, I haven't tried Murder Room yet. Thinking about it, maybe, maybe not.

...Ok. That's all. Bye!

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